Archived CPO Resources
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Communities of Practice
Seven Principles for Cultivating Communities of Practice; Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, and William M. Snyder
Using Emergence to Take Social Innovations to Scale; Meg Wheatley & Deborah Frieze
Linking Colleges to Communities: Engaging the University for community Development; the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland
Building a Two‑Way Street: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Engagement at Research Universities; Lorilee R. Sandmann & David J. Weerts
Reshaping Institutional Boundaries to Accommodate an Engagement Agenda; Lorilee R. Sandmann & David J. Weerts
Transforming Campuses and Communities Through Public Engagement: The Critical Role(s) of Boundary Spanners – Video 57 min.
Are We Making a Difference? Evaluating Community Based Programs: Presented by Christine Maidl Pribbenow, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, 8/2009.
University of Wisconsin Survey Center
UW Extension Logic Model Resources
Developmental Evaluation: A Developmental Evaluation Primer
A Practitioner’s Guide to Developmental Evaluation
Developmental Evaluation: Applying Complexity Concepts to Enhance Innovation and Use by Michael Quinn Patton
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education
International Undergraduate Journal for Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change