Summer Badger Volunteers is a summer session-long program (7-week commitment) June 19 to August 4 that pairs teams of students with community organizations to volunteer 1 to 4 hours each week at the same organization. The program is designed to foster meaningful and consistent connections between community partners and students over the course of the summer.
Badger Volunteers provides logistical support, transportation, and orientation training (Saturday, June 17) for student volunteers in the session.
For summer, volunteer opportunities are organized within three focus areas but our main focus is sustainability. Our other two areas are education and public health. Summer Badger Volunteers are open to all UW–Madison students (including graduate students) for summer sessions or enrolled fall semester 2023 in any major and any interest! You do not need any specific skills or prior experience to join Badger Volunteers!

Registration for summer session is now closed.
In-Person Volunteer Expectation
- Volunteer in-person weekly, following all UW and community partner-specific COVID-19 safety measures
- Attend in-person orientation during the time you will normally volunteer
- Complete one reflection mid-summer of your experience so far for your community partner organization
Each Badger Volunteers team is assigned a leader. This experienced BV is the main point of contact with the Morgridge Center staff and the community partner site liaison. In order to serve as a Leader, you must have completed at least one previous semester with the Badger Volunteers program.
BV Leaders:
- volunteer weekly with their teams
- track weekly team attendance
- coordinate transportation
- support and guide BVs in engaging with and problem-solving at their site.
Although BV leader registration has closed, we still have team leader openings. For more information, email Badger Volunteers Program Manager Lara Miller.
Badger Volunteers Summer 2023
Timeline and Registration
Summer Badger Volunteers will offer in-person opportunities for the summer session. Registration for summer session opens online Tuesday, May 9.
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Important Dates
Registration opens for all Volunteers — 5/9
Registration closes — 6/9
Summer Orientation Day — 6/17
Volunteering begins — 6/19
Volunteering ends — 8/4
Badger Volunteers Celebration — TBD
How to Register and Use the Dashboard
If you are new to Badger Volunteers, please create a profile before registration opens to ensure you are able to register right away. If you are a returning Badger Volunteer who has used the dashboard, you do not need to do anything prior to registration.
When registration opens, each volunteer site on the online listing of opportunities will have a “volunteer on this team” button. Click this button and it will prompt you to register. You will then receive an automated email with more details and expectations.
Registration accommodates those on first come, first serve basis. Volunteer opportunities fill up very quickly, so register as soon as possible!
All Badger Volunteers are required to attend an orientation prior to volunteering.
Please wait for an email for orientation sign up after you register.
Education Components
Complete one reflection mid-summer for the 2023 summer session. Volunteers will reflect on their community partner and their experiences.
More Information and FAQs
Summer Badger Volunteers is coming back after a four-year hiatus! We are very excited to create this journey with you! Please be patient as we finalize our opportunities and partners. We will have more information coming in the next weeks/months and update information when possible!
Badger Volunteers Program Manager Lara Miller
Badger Volunteers Assistant Program Manager James Zimmerman
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History of Badger Volunteers
Check out our Badger Volunteers 10-Year Yearbook or watch “Celebrating 10 Years of Badger Volunteers”
Can I Volunteer for More Than One Site in a Session?
Yes, however we strongly encourage you to make sure you can keep multiple commitments for the entire session.
Keep in mind each volunteer opportunity has a cap on capacity. If you are interested in that opportunity but the capacity is full, you are welcome to join the waitlist and we will let you know by the end of registration if there is room.
We encourage students who join a waitlist to also register for a second-choice opportunity in case they don’t get their first choice.
How do I get to my Community Partner Site?
Badger Volunteers provides logistical support, including transportation. BVs can walk, use their ASM-provided city bus pass, or sign up for a BCycle membership paid for by BV.
If a community partner site is over a 35-minute bus ride, BV has previously provided transportation via Lyft, ZipCar, Union Cab, and UW fleet vehicles. BV Leaders are responsible for determining their team’s transportation methods. Please note, the time listed for volunteer hours does not account for transportation to and from the site. Make sure your schedule can accommodate extra time before and after volunteering.
Please contact Lara Miller or James Zimmerman if you need additional accommodations or have access issues.
What if I couldn’t join Badger Volunteers this Session?
No worries! The Morgridge Center has peer advisors who will help connect you to other volunteer opportunities that match your interests.
You can also sign up to receive Morgridge Mail, our weekly e-newsletter which includes volunteer opportunities, events, jobs and internships.