28,200 hours
In 2016-17, 1,540 Badger Volunteers committed over 28,200 hours to 100 community partners across Madison and Dane County.
132 service-learning courses
In 2016-17, the university offered 103 service-learning courses in 43 departments, enrolling more than 4,000 students.
19 countries
Since 1999, the Wisconsin Idea Fellowships have funded more than 160 undergraduate projects across 18 foreign countries as well as the United States.
700 students
More than 700 students attended the two 2017 Public Service Fairs to learn about volunteer, internships and job opportunities within the nonprofit sector.
A new partnership launched fall 2016 through the Morgridge Center, the School of Human Ecology, the UW Foundation and the Philanthropy Lab gave undergraduates enrolled in a philanthropy courses the opportunity to distribute $50,000 to local nonprofits.