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Community-Engaged Scholarship Course

Fall 2024: Counseling Psychology 601
Section 001: Best Practices in Community-Engaged Scholarship

Instructor: Dr. Travis Wright
Credits: 2
When: Wednesdays from Sept. 4 to Dec. 11
Time: 10-11:30am
Where: Morgridge Center for Public Service (154 Red Gym)


Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES) redefines scholarly work from application of academic expertise to involving the faculty or instructor in a reciprocal partnership with the community. It is interdisciplinary and integrates instructor roles of teaching, research, and service, and includes Community-based Learning (service learning) and community-based research. Community-based Learning is a high-impact instructional practice that results in higher performing, more civically engaged students. Community-based Research is an approach that equitably involves all member groups in the research process and works with communities toward their goals in social action or change. In this section, staff from the Morgridge Center for Public Service will explore the pedagogy, principles, and best practices for CES.

This course will be shaped according to the interests of participants. Potential topics we will cover include:

  • Navigating the IRB while doing Community-based Research
  • Exploring careers outside the tenure track
  • Dealing with the stresses, challenges, and conflicts of doing work in the community
  • Balancing the needs of all partners involved in courses or projects
  • Critical Community-Engaged Scholarship

See the Fall 2024 Final Class Projects

Please contact Cory Sprinkel for more information at sprinkel@wisc.edu

* CP 601 is a required course for the Graduate Certificate/Doctoral Minor in Community-Engaged Scholarship