Twitter is our opportunity to share events, programs, jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities—both our own and from community partners. But we have to balance between sharing opportunities and events… and sharing photos or stories of our work in action. Twitter is also a great platform for sharing stories, photos, videos, thought-pieces, outside news and random humor.
What Works Well
Photos! Always have a media source attached to your tweet! Tagging accounts (saves characters), Linking to content, Points of pride, Bucky/badger imagery, Photos of students, Humor, .gifs, Job postings (internal or external). To quantify our post on Twitter, an average of one to two posts a day on Twitter will suffice. It is okay if there is absolutely nothing to post on any given day.
While we may have followers of all kind, some of our main followers on Twitter are UW-Madison departments and units. It is essential to see what other units and departments are tweeting and to be in response to what they are doing. A lot of our community partners also follow us. It is key to be aware of how we frame our language when using Twitter.
Twitter is where our humor gets to come out the most. Make sure we’re tweeting about more than events/ opportunities. Host contests, polls, or ask engaging questions to get more people to respond to our Tweets. Re-tweet, favorite and reply to all Tweets relevant to Morgridge Center. Do live-tweeting at Morgridge Center events. Include a hashtag and pictures.
Examples of Common Posts
Promoting our programs, events, opportunities
Sharing volunteer/internship/ job opportunities from partners
Sharing photo live from an event
Sharing outside “thought leader” pieces