Adam Beer
Nutritional Sciences
“My experiences working at the Morgridge Center for Public Service have supported my growth personally, professionally, and as a member of my communities. These experiences also equipped me with the tools to understand and discuss socially important topics, serving as a complement to my academic career at UW-Madison.”

Brianne Leibham
Social Work and a certificate in Gender & Women’s Studies
“The Morgridge Center as a whole is serving disenfranchised communities locally and globally through many different programs, fellowships, and opportunities. As a tangible, accessible means of creating positive social change in Madison and abroad, the Morgridge Center for Public Service emulates the Wisconsin Idea holistically and I cannot be more proud and thankful for my time with this incredible facet of the University of Wisconsin.”

Corey Little
Community and Nonprofit Leadership
“Through my year of involvement with the Morgridge Center for Public Service, I have made so many friends that share the same passion for serving others as I do. I have been able to build a solid foundation through Badger Volunteers, my major, service-learning classes, and civic engagement for what my future in public service will look like.”

Gloria Young
English and certificate in Education and Educational Services
“My favorite part of working at the Morgridge Center is the moment I walk into the Red Gym; everyone treats each other exceptionally well, and the work that everyone is doing is incredibly exciting and motivating.”

Helen Powling
Gender and Women’s Studies and a certificate in Global Health
“Collaboration. The Morgridge Center gave me whole new love for working with passionate, talented folks throughout campus and the community. I will always approach the things I do in the world thinking about my partners and community first and foremost thanks to this work.”

Jewel Rose
Education Leadership and Policy Studies
“I have loved being able to really get to know the people involved with the Morgridge Center over the years (6 years total). I have seen people in quite a few different positions and have really enjoyed getting to see the amazing things they do in different roles for students at UW and the surrounding community.”

Kelsey Beuning
Journalism and International Studies
If there is one thing I’ve learned from the Morgridge Center, it’s that service isn’t a uniform concept – it can be anything from volunteering, to voting, to giving. It is your civic duty to recognize where you can best serve and then integrate that into your life. This has only strengthened my passion to connect more people to service. Moving forward, I hope to work in Corporate Social Responsibility programs, helping businesses to develop more effective community service models and employees to find outlets for volunteering.

Ling Ting
Actuarial Science, Risk Management and Insurance

Liz Hamel
Journalism and Political Science
“My favorite part about working at the Morgridge Center has been all the smart, interesting and inspiring people I have had the opportunity to meet, including fellow interns and staff members, community partners, and students I meet with every week during advising appointments.”

Lydia Odegard
Gender and Women’s Studies and South Asian Studies
“My experience at the Morgridge Center has opened my eyes to the multi-faceted definition of what constitutes community engagement and public service. In working with Community-Based Learning courses, I have learned about so many different ways that students can apply what they are learning beyond classroom walls and challenge the notion of what it means to volunteer one’s time. Forming relationships and embracing a compassionate mindset, they have taught me, are essential steps no matter what the style of community engagement.”

Rachael Mogck
Journalism and Political Science and a certificate in European Studies
“The Morgridge Center has given me so much, but one of the most important things it has given me is a community. I have met so many amazing individuals by working here and have forged many great friendships with people I would not have otherwise known. I am always happy to come into work because I get to spend time with some of the most caring and thoughtful people I know.”

Rae Monte
Social Welfare and a certificate in Global Health
“The center has the most welcoming and like-minded, service-oriented people, that I have came across on this campus. My favorite part about working for the Morgridge Center for Public Service has really been all the connections and opportunities that I have had to engage my community in service. Through working with the community to schedule Education sessions for Badger Volunteers, I have been able to connect the campus environment to the Madison community, and beyond, to educate students on issues facing our world today. The students and staff are always a constant system of support that, I believe, will continue in my life after graduation as well.”