Summer 2017
Communication Sciences & Disorders 790: Practicum in Communication Disorders
Instructor: TBA
Credits: 1-4
Supervised experience with persons manifesting communicative problems. Evaluation, rehabilitation, and conversation of hearing, language, and speech disorders in various clinical settings.
Computer Sciences 402: Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students
Instructor: Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau
Section: Lec 001
Credits: 2
Students work in teams to lead Computer Science clubs and workshops for K-12 students in the Madison area. Design and lead activities to help K-12 students learn computational thinking and computer programming.
Design Studies 501: Design Thinking
Instructor: Lesley Sager
Credits: 3
Specialized subject matter of current interest to undergraduate students.
Human Development and Family Studies 663: Developmental and Family Assessment
Instructor: TBA
Credits: 3
Introduces students to the process of family-focused developmental assessment with infants and young children, including family interviewing, taking developmental histories, observing children, and developmental screening.
Legal Studies 694: Criminal Justice Field Observation
Instructor: Carolyn Lesch
Credits: 3
Field placements and seminar sessions to develop sociological understanding of criminal justice processes. Placement in criminal justice agencies and lectures and discussions applying concepts and theories to field experience. *Cross-listed with Sociology
Psychology 399: Service Learning in Psychology
Instructor: Jeffrey Henriques
Credits: 1-4
An independent study course to provide students with opportunities to gain experience in community service work relevant to psychology.
RPSE 300: Individuals with Disabilities
Instructor: Taucia Gonzalez
Credits: 3
An overview of the characteristics and problems of exceptional children and youth. Definition and classification systems, etiology of handicapping conditions, educational services, and adult adjustment. Current controversies and future trends.
RPSE 630: Internship in RPSE
Instructor: TBA
Credits: 2-6
Practicum experience in state or community agencies or in public school programs serving individuals with physical, cognitive, emotional, learning, social or behavioral problems.
RPSE 880: Supervised Practicum I
Instructor: Susan Smedema
Section: All
Credits: 2-3
Practical experience in counseling handicapped persons.
RPSE 890: Supervised Practicum II
Instructor: Susan Smedema
Section: All
Credits: 2-3
Practical experience in counseling handicapped persons.
RPSE 910: Internship
Instructor: Susan Smedema
Section: All
Credits: 1-3
Field work in therapeutic intervention, organization and administration, and clinical needs assessment within various special education service delivery settings. Opportunity to relate relevant theoretical backgrounds to clinical organization and field problems.
Social Work 694: Criminal Justice Field Observation
Instructor: Carolyn Lesch
Credits: 3
Field placements and seminar sessions to develop sociological understanding of criminal justice processes. Placement in criminal justice agencies and lectures and discussions applying concepts and theories to field experience. *Cross-listed with Legal Studies
Social Work 800: Field Practice and Integrative Seminar III
Instructor: Amanda Siefert, Jennifer Braunginn, Holly Pagel, Heidi Frank
Credits: 2-6
An approved advanced social work practice field placement in an area of concentration. A minimum of 20 hours per week, including an integrative field unit seminar. The first of the two-semester advanced field sequence.
Spanish 319: Medical Spanish
Instructor: Eve Pujol
Credits: 1-3
Intensive oral and written practice in major areas of Spanish professional usage. Each offering will focus on an important field in which students tend to apply their language skills (journalism, commerce, medicine, law, social services, etc.).
Theatre and Drama 362: Drama for Teaching and Learning
Instructor: Bridget Vanderhoof
Credits: 1-3
Intensive oral and written practice in major areas of Spanish professional usage. Each offering will focus on an important field in which students tend to apply their language skills (journalism, commerce, medicine, law, social services, etc.).