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Begin Making a Difference Today

At the Morgridge Center, we not only bridge the campus and the community, but we help students bridge from their life as students to their lives as local-to-global citizens. We aim to foster lifelong civic engagement in our students by offering diverse opportunities through the pathways of public service. We believe everyone has a passion for something. We’re here to help you take action.

Badger Volunteers  GridgeFridge Podcast  BadgersVote  Community-based Learning  Wisconsin Idea Fellowship

Wisconsin Idea Fellowship

Since 1999, over 300 UW–Madison students have been named Wisconsin Idea Fellows. The Wisconsin Idea Fellowships support innovative projects designed collaboratively by UW–Madison undergraduate students, community partners (ie: nonprofits, municipalities, NGOs), and faculty to help address a community-identified need, locally or globally. Students are eligible to receive up to $7,000 for group projects and up to $5,000 for individual projects.

Applications open late fall and are due early spring. The application includes a project proposal, abstract, budget, and letters of support from a faculty mentor and community partner. Decisions are usually announced in late spring and awarded projects may begin as early as June.

Apply to be a Wisconsin Idea Fellow

Wisconsin Idea Fellows

Advancing the Wisconsin Idea

Morgridge Center Awards

Every year, the Morgridge Center for Public Service recognizes the outstanding students, faculty, alumni and community partners who make a difference on campus and in their community to advance the mission of the Wisconsin Idea.


Teaching and Mentoring

Bridges connections between UW-Madison students and the needs of mentoring and tutoring programs in Madison and the surrounding areas. We provide logistical support, transportation, training, and educational workshops for mentors & tutors.

Community Engagement Preparation

At the Morgridge Center, we understand the power of community engagement as a tool for learning and relationship building. Check out some of the resources that you can utilize to strengthen your understanding of community engagement.

Community Engagement Preparation >

Creando Comunidad >

Student Organization Partnership Program (SOPP) >

Stay Connected with Us

We’re located on the first floor of the Red Gym, to your right as you enter the building. You can visit our front desk with any questions you have, contact our staff with any questions, or even subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Morgridge Mail to receive volunteer and internship opportunities and events.

Morgridge Mail >

Our Staff > 

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