Transportation Options for Volunteers

Transportation Options is a service for any UW–Madison student participating in Morgridge Center-affiliated programs. Explore the different affiliated programs and transportation options and decide which one is right for you.

The Transportation Options program is active in spring 2025. Email if you have any questions or inquiries. Responses to inquiries may be delayed. Please allow up to 2 to 3 business days for a response. 

Students participating in Morgridge Center eligible programs such as Badger Volunteers, CBL Courses, Achievement Connections, P.E.O.P.L.E., or SOPP whose sites are more than 35 minutes away by bus from all four campus locations are eligible for the Transportation Options program.

Step 1: Eligible students can complete the Transportation Options Survey via Smart Sheets. The first question requires you to join the GivePulse Transportation Options Subgroup. You must complete this before you are eligible for any transportation services.

Step 2: After you complete the Transportation Survey, the transportation team will review your request in 24-48 hours. You will be informed via wiscmail if you were approved or denied for transportation services and any necessary instructions.

The four locations are: 
Union South
21 North Park St
The Wisconsin Alumni Association
Dejope Residence Hall

Our program connects students with transportation providers such as Lyft, UW–Madison Fleet, and Union Cab to get to their community site.

BCycle Pass Information
Regardless of your site location, you can sign up for BCycle Pass access.

Step 1: Eligible students can complete the Transportation Options Survey via Smart Sheets. The first question requires you to join the GivePulse Transportation Options Subgroup. You must complete this before you are eligible for any transportation services. In the survey indicate you want a BCycle pass.

Step 2: Check your wiscmail for a link to the Transportation Survey. Complete this survey where you indicate you want a BCycle pass.

Step 3: After you complete the survey, the transportation team will review your request in 24-48 hours. You will be informed via wiscmail if you were approved or denied for a BCycle pass and any necessary instructions. Students can check out a pass for up to two weeks at a time. You will need to pick up your fobs at Morgridge Center (716 Langdon Street, 1st floor, Suite 154).

The Morgridge Center will cover the cost of transportation for qualifying students in Morgridge Center-affiliated programs. If you are interested in the Transportation Options Program, please confirm your eligibility with your program supervisor.

Students interested in volunteer opportunities can start looking here.

Volunteers engage in tutoring sessions in local area high schools, all program volunteers are eligible to utilize transportation options.

Volunteers engage in tutoring sessions in local area high schools. Volunteers that are assigned to LaFollette, Vel Phillips Memorial or Middleton are eligible to utilize transportation options. Because of their close proximity to campus, Madison West and East Volunteers must use the bus or their own vehicle. If you are eligible to use Morgridge Center transportation options please contact

Step 1: Eligible students, which are those volunteering at LaFollette, Vel Phillips Memorial, and Middleton, can complete the Transportation Options Survey via Smart Sheets. The first question requires you to join the GivePulse Transportation Options Subgroup. You must complete this before you are eligible for any transportation services.

Step 2: After you complete the Transportation Survey, the transportation team will review your request in 24-48 hours. You will be informed via wisc email if you were approved or denied for transportation services and any necessary instructions.

Achievement Connections pairs UW–Madison students and other community volunteer tutors with high schoolers to engage students in learning while they continue to develop productive study skills. Tutors work one-on-one with a high school student in the Madison or Middleton-Cross Plains Area school district, where over 200 tutors have been mobilized this year alone.

Submit a volunteer interest form or contact the Achievement Connections Campus Coordinator at

Badger Volunteers is a semester-long program that pairs teams of students with community organizations (schools, nonprofits, municipalities) to volunteer 1-4 hours each week at the same organization. The program is designed to foster meaningful and consistent connections between community partners and students over the course of an entire semester.

Interested in becoming a Badger Volunteer? Go here.

Your Badger Volunteers coordinator will go over the specifics of how the Transportation Options Program can service you. If you have any additional questions, please contact the transportation intern at

Students enrolled in Community-based Learning courses whose engagement sites are more than 35 minutes away by bus are eligible for the Transportation Options program.

Step 1: Eligible students can complete the Transportation Options Survey via Smart Sheets. The first question requires you to join the GivePulse Transportation Options Subgroup. You must complete this before you are eligible for any transportation services.

Step 2: After you complete the Transportation Survey, the transportation team will review your request in 24-48 hours. You will be informed via wiscmail if you were approved or denied for transportation services and any necessary instructions.

Large vans or busses can be chartered upon special request. Please reach out to with at least a month’s notice if your group requires coordinated transportation.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Transportation Options Team at

  1. Faculty and professors affiliated with Community-based Learning courses seeking transportation are asked to reach out to the Morgridge Center Transportation Team directly (
  2. Large vans or buses can be chartered upon special request. Please reach out to with at least a month’s notice if your group requires coordinated transportation. 
  3. Note: University policy, time constraints, and availability of University vehicles may impact travel. Please be mindful of this when planning course outings and class events.

What can I do if I need to contact Union Cab to change, cancel, or book a ride? What if my ride is late?
Users can contact Union Cab at 608-242-2000 for any of the above reasons.

Are there any transportation options available for large groups?
Large vans or busses can be chartered upon special request. Please reach out to with at least a month’s notice if your group requires coordinated transportation.

Why isn’t my Lyft ride showing as free in the app?
Make sure you have your pick-up as one of the four campus locations and your destination as your site, or vice versa. If you are scheduling rides in advance, they won’t show as free until completed.

How can I tell if my site is eligible?
To be eligible for transportation support, sites must be more than 35 minutes away from our four campus locations by bus. Use Google Maps to check the travel time from the following:

  • Union South
  • 21 North Park St.
  • Wisconsin Alumni Association
  • Dejope Residence Hall

If my site is closer than 35 minutes away, what are my options to get there?
You can walk to your site, take the bus, or bike. The Morgridge Center has BCycle memberships available for students to check out regardless of how close their site is.