New Poverty Fact Sheet looks at the financial barriers to college completion

A new fact sheet released in partnership between the Morgridge Center for Public Service and the Institute for Research on Poverty examines the financial barriers to college completion.

Since 1980, the cost of college attendance in the US has risen by 160% at four-year public universities and 170% at four-year private institutions. And as the cost has risen, the share of federal and state support has decreased, leaving students and families to make up the difference.

What are some of the specific issues caused by this shift, and what are some potential policy solutions? Read the full fact sheet here.

The Institute for Research on Poverty at UW-Madison and the Morgridge Center formed a partnership in 2012 to help raise awareness of social issues and encourage community involvement among grad students. The partnership also aims to prepare student volunteers for their service in socioeconomically diverse communities.

Student interns create fact sheets that translate complex poverty research into information easy to understand for graduate students. The latest fact sheet, the twelfth since 2012, was prepared by undergraduate intern Jake Roble.