There’s always a need for more blood donors. But there’s an especially critical need to boost diversity among blood donors.
The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Madison Alumnae Chapter, Morgridge Center for Public Service and the Urban League of Greater Madison are teaming up to raise awareness around donor diversity and help save lives at the Winter 2017 Sickle Cell Awareness Blood Drive:
Saturday, Feb. 4
12:00 – 4:00pm
Urban League of Greater Madison, 2222 S. Park Street
More than 100,000 Americans live with Sickle Cell Disease, an inherited disorder that affects the function of red blood cells. Patients suffering from the disease—which disproportionately affects African Americans—require frequent blood transfusions to stay alive.
So what can we do to fight Sickle Cell Disease and help those battling? It’s simple. Donate blood.
And blood recipients respond best to blood from donors who closely match their own demographics. As Sickle Cell patients age, it becomes more difficult to find blood that the body will accept. So in the fight against Sickle Cell, it’s especially critical to recruit a more diverse population of blood donors.
All donors are welcome at the drive, including walk-in donors. However, appointments are highly encouraged. Appointments can be made at using the sponsor code “Madison Sickle Cell.”
More information can be found here: