A high school student in Madison who passes algebra by 10th grade is twice as likely to get their degree on time. And getting your high school degree has a big impact on the rest of your life.
That’s why volunteers are needed to help more high school students pass algebra by the end of their sophomore year. Achievement Connections is a program that connects UW-Madison students and other community volunteers to pair up with a local high schooler in need of extra help in math, either algebra or geometry.
Tutor-mentors are matched with one high school student and then meet with that student once or twice a week for at least one full semester. The program is designed to help build math skills as well as a trusting relationship between the student and the volunteer tutor, an approach that’s proven beneficial for both students and volunteers.
“Achievement Connections allows volunteers to build a relationship with the student they tutor,” said Achievement Connections Campus Coordinator Grady McHugh. “And volunteers get a lot more out of an experience like this because they are putting a good amount of time and effort in.”
And the program is producing promising results for hundreds of local students.
“I’ve heard about student grades going from Ds to Bs in a semester,” said McHugh. “But it isn’t just in math. Many students see grades improve across the board because of the studying skills they’ve learned.”
Achievement Connections is looking for any UW-Madison student comfortable as a tutor, proficient in algebra or geometry and able to commit up to two hours each week this semester. All volunteers receive training before being matched with a student.
Over 150 volunteers are already part of the program, which partners with four local high schools: Madison East, Madison West, Madison Memorial and Middle High School.
Interested? Contact Grady McHugh at gmchugh@wisc.edu or fill out the interest form.
Achievement Connections is a partnership between United Way of Dane County, the Morgridge Center for Public Service, AmeriCorps, the Madison Metropolitan School District and the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District.