We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.
This weekend, Madison became one of many cities across the nation and globe to come together in protest of the recent police-involved murder of George Floyd, as well as to advocate for much needed change to address the systemic and institutional inequities that continue to exist in our country and community and that disproportionately put Black lives at risk. Layered on top of a global pandemic that is also disproportionately impacting Black and Brown folkx, the pain and frustration is visceral. In fact, the pain and suffering is a public health crisis.
The Morgridge Center’s mission is to connect campus and community through service to build a thriving democratic society, and we believe in both the importance of active civic engagement as a means of achieving social justice and in the centrality of equity to a healthy democracy. Whether it be the peaceful protests or the property damage that surrounded this weekend, we are certainly witnessing democracy in action. We recognize and empathize with the pain, anger and sadness being experienced in our community and by our Black friends and family.
We are grateful for the number of strong nonprofits within our community tirelessly working to protect our neighbors and push for systemic and sustainable change. We are especially grateful for the work of many of the local Black-led nonprofits that quickly organized to push for change within our community.
As a center, one that is embedded within an institution with its own history of racism and violence, we recognize that we also have a lot of work to do to create a more just and equitable workspace for our students and staff and to build partnerships in the community that push for justice and equity at all levels. We are committed to continuing to engage in this work and constantly improving as an anti-racist, equitable and inclusive organization. We stand in solidarity with the Black community of Madison and this country as we mourn the tragic loss of Black lives and tirelessly push to create a community built on justice and peace.
Please take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and your community.
#BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorge
In community,
The Morgridge Center for Public Service Team