During his time at the Morgridge Center, Samuel Park worked on numerous community-engaged collaborations including Walk the Walk, All-Campus Day of Service, UW MLK Day and Be the Change Bash.
Student Life
Morgridge Center Alumna Develops Organics Recycling Program with Public Service Background
Juna Ly had always been passionate about sustainability. Now, as she develops an organics recycling program, she still draws on her experience in Badger Volunteers and the Morgridge Center.
Wisconsin Idea Fellowships: Q&A
The application for 2022-23 Wisconsin Idea Fellowship is now open! The Wisconsin Idea Fellowship is a funding opportunity for semester or yearlong projects designed by an undergraduate or a group of undergraduates in collaboration with a community organization and a UW–Madison faculty or staff member.
‘Always Something to Learn:’ Community-based Learning Students Share Their Stories
Interested in learning more about the Madison community and working with community members and organizations? Consider signing up for a Community-based Learning (CBL) course when you enroll for spring classes.
Through Community and Identity: Daniel Bautista Pays it Forward
Not only is Daniel the first in his family to attend college, but he also is one of the few people from his high school attending a four-year university.
Celebrate National Voter Registration Day with BadgersVote
Join BadgersVote in celebrating National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 28 by registering to vote and ensuring you are set to participate in the upcoming spring election cycle.
Students, Recent Graduate, and Dean Hess Meet with U.S. Secretary of Education Cardona
Two current students and a recent graduate of an innovative UW–Madison special education teacher preparation program received the unique opportunity to meet and speak with U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona during a campus visit Monday, Sept. 20.
Peer Advisors Help Students Find Meaningful Service Opportunities
Whether a student knows just the type of volunteer opportunity they are interested in or they have no idea where to start, our student peer advisors are here to help.
Wisconsin State Assembly Chief of Staff fuels her work with Morgridge Center Experience
Gillian McBride felt disconnected from the campus community and almost left UW her freshman year. But after she accepted a job at the Morgridge Center for Public Service, McBride says she decided to give UW a second chance. Now, she can’t imagine what her life would look like if she had chosen to leave.
Morgridge Center Alumna Takes Intern Experience with her Across the Globe
Carol graduated from UW-Madison in 2018 after working for five semesters as a special events intern and an operations intern at the Morgridge Center. Carol first became involved with the Morgridge Center through Badger Volunteers.